Student in Korea

Study in Korea: How the Global Vision Scholarship Opens Doors

Dive into the details of the Global Vision Scholarship and how it can transform your study abroad journey in Korea.
Study in Korea: How the Global Vision Scholarship Opens Doors
Study in Korea: How the Global Vision Scholarship Opens Doors

Embarking on the journey of higher education, especially when it involves studying abroad, is a path filled with anticipation and excitement. Inha University's Global Vision Scholarship emerges as a beacon of hope and opportunity for those eyeing Korea as their academic destination. This prestigious scholarship offers ambitious students from around the globe a substantial financial cushion, enabling them to study in Korea under more manageable financial circumstances. Let's explore what this scholarship entails and the unique advantages of pursuing higher education at Inha University.

A Brief Overview of Inha University

Situated in the heart of Incheon, South Korea, Inha University is a leading private research institution known for its excellence in engineering, technology, the sciences, and a broad array of other disciplines. Founded in 1954 with the Korean-American community's support, it has become a pivotal center of academic excellence and innovation. The university boasts a vibrant campus life, state-of-the-art research facilities, and a diverse student body, making it an ideal environment for students from all corners of the globe. With its strong industry connections and a focus on practical skills, Inha University prepares students for successful careers in a competitive global market.

What is the Global Vision Scholarship?

The Global Vision Scholarship, specifically tailored for new doctoral, master's, and integrated program students at Inha University, waives full entrance and tuition fees for selected students. Each semester, 50 students are chosen to benefit from this program, offering them a remarkable opportunity to further their education without the financial strain of tuition fees.

Eligibility Criteria

The scholarship targets outstanding students with the following qualifications:

  • New doctoral students are recommended by an advisor during the application period.
  • Integrated program students in their 4th semester, also recommended by an advisor.
  • New master's students are advised by faculty who have been part of Inha University for less than three years.
  • New master's students holding an undergraduate degree from Inha University with a CGPA of 3.5 or above.

The selection process prioritizes applicants based on language proficiency should the number of candidates exceed the available scholarships.

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Duration and Obligation

Scholarship recipients are supported up to the 4th semester for master's and doctoral studies and the 8th semester for integrated programs. To maintain the scholarship, students must achieve a cumulative GPA of 3.75 or higher and partake in TA or LA duties for two semesters during their regular study period.

A Second Chance: Jungseok International Scholarship

Should an applicant not secure the Global Vision Scholarship, they are automatically considered for the Jungseok International Scholarship, providing another avenue for financial aid and academic pursuit at Inha University.

Embracing the Opportunity at Inha University

The Global Vision Scholarship is a cornerstone for students aiming to dive into Inha University's rich academic and cultural environment. It alleviates the financial barriers to higher education, allowing students to focus solely on their academic and personal growth. With its comprehensive educational offerings and vibrant campus life, Inha University serves as a fertile ground for intellectual and cultural exchange, setting the stage for a rewarding study abroad experience in Korea.

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For aspiring scholars wishing to pursue higher education at Inha University, the Global Vision Scholarship offers an invaluable opportunity to achieve academic excellence in Korea. It provides significant financial support and a chance to be part of a leading academic institution renowned for its commitment to innovation and global leadership.

About the author
Sasha Smirnova

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