Student in Korea

Navigating the Global KU Scholarship for Exchange and Visiting Students

Dive into the Global KU Scholarship at Korea University, a golden opportunity for international exchange and visiting students to enrich their academic journey.
Navigating the Global KU Scholarship for Exchange and Visiting Students

As someone committed to providing insights into South Korean higher education, I feel privileged to shed light on the Global KU Scholarship offered at Korea University. This scholarship is a unique opportunity for international exchange and visiting students, shaping up to substantially aid their academic journey.

The Global KU Scholarship applies specifically to those nominated through University Level Agreements. If you've been admitted as an exchange or visiting student, this scholarship can potentially make your educational adventure in South Korea more rewarding.

The scholarship amount varies, depending on your academic merit at your home institution. In other words, your hard work and academic excellence back home could be instrumental in securing this scholarship. However, remember that faculty, institution, and national quotas may apply.

If you plan to extend your study at Korea University from one semester to two, you'll be eligible to apply for the 'Merit Scholarship' upon approval of your extension. This scholarship offers an additional incentive to extend your study and deepen your engagement with Korean culture and academics.

Eligibility for this scholarship is relatively straightforward. You should be enrolled at an institution recognized by the Korean government as of December 1, 2004. You must have secured successful admission for the Student Exchange Program (SEP) or Visiting Student Program (VSP) at Korea University and enrolled with the required credits. Proficiency in English or Korean is necessary, and for the Merit Scholarship, you should have taken a minimum of 12 credits in the previous semester at KU and achieved an accumulative GPA of 4.0 or above.

The scholarship benefits are indeed enticing. For new exchange students, the scholarship, decided by Korea University, includes an Admission Scholarship, which can range from KRW 100,000 up to KRW 1,600,000 for the first semester, and a Travel Scholarship, which can range from KRW 100,000 up to KRW 1,500,000 for the first semester.

The Merit Scholarship for continuing exchange or visiting students awards KRW 1,200,000 for the second semester, based on your academic performance during the first semester at Korea University. It's only applicable to students participating in a one-year program at the university-wide level.

About the author
Sasha Smirnova

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