Student in Korea

Master and Ph.D. Opportunities: Solvay Scholarship at Ewha Womans University

Ewha Womans University in Seoul offers the Solvay scholarship to support Master and Ph.D. students in pursuing higher education. Discover how this opportunity can shape your study abroad experience.
Master and Ph.D. Opportunities: Solvay Scholarship at Ewha Womans University
Master and Ph.D. Opportunities: Solvay Scholarship at Ewha Womans University

Opportunities abound if you're an international student planning to study in Korea. A standout choice is the prestigious Ewha Womans University in Seoul. Founded in 1886 by Mary F. Scranton, Ewha Womans University has grown into one of the world's largest female educational institutes and ranks among the most respected universities in South Korea. The university prides itself on its unique partnership with Harvard University and its illustrious alumni, including leaders in politics, business, and law.

One of the opportunities Ewha offers is the Solvay scholarship for Master and Ph.D. students at The Graduate School. The scholarship caters to those pursuing studies in Natural Science, Engineering, Pharmacy, and Social Science. This award provides financial support of 10,000,000 won for Master students and 12,000,000 won for Ph.D. students, making a significant difference in easing the financial load of studying abroad.

The application period for the Solvay scholarship is in November. Upon acceptance, the scholarship will be awarded for four semesters, offering ample time to focus on your studies without worrying about financial burdens.

Contact the Scholarship and Welfare team at Ewha for any inquiries. Studying abroad requires careful planning, and the team will guide you through any questions or concerns you might have.

Remember, opting for a study abroad program like Ewha Womans University isn't just about earning a degree. It's about embracing a new culture, gaining global perspectives, and building a network that transcends geographical boundaries. Your journey to learning in Korea could be the first step to an enriching life experience.

About the author
Sasha Smirnova

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