Student in Korea

A Guide to the Lotte Scholarship Foundation - GIST Scholarship Program

Discover new horizons and step into a world-class education experience in Korea! Learn how the Lotte Scholarship Foundation-GIST Scholarship Program can shape your academic journey and future career. Get the details on eligibility, benefits, and how to apply.
A Guide to the Lotte Scholarship Foundation - GIST Scholarship Program
Photo by Park Gunwoo / Unsplash

Are you an international student passionate about learning and a drive to explore new educational opportunities? The Lotte Scholarship Foundation – GIST Scholarship Program could be your ticket to a world-class education experience in South Korea.

Launched in the Fall semester of 2019, this scholarship program is a collaboration between the Lotte Scholarship Foundation and the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST). It aims to provide talented and motivated international students with a unique opportunity to pursue their academic dreams in one of the most dynamic and innovative countries in the world.

Scholarship Benefits

The scholarship program offers a range of financial benefits to support your studies and living expenses in South Korea. Upon entering the country, you will receive a one-time settlement allowance of 200,000 KRW to help with your initial costs. Depending on your study level, you will receive a monthly allowance directly transferred to your school bank account: 900,000 KRW for Master's students and 1,100,000 KRW for Ph.D. students. Additional allowances may be granted to students who participate in research projects.

The scholarship period varies depending on your study program: two years for Master's or Integrated programs and four years for Ph.D. programs. Integrated program students will receive 900,000 KRW per month during the first year and 1,100,000 KRW monthly during the second year.

Additional Benefits

Besides these allowances, the program provides a one-way economy-class airfare reimbursement from your home country to Korea. Tuition fees are fully covered, amounting to 3,415,000 KRW per semester. Accommodation is provided either in an on-campus dormitory (double or triple room) or an apartment for married students. A yearly medical checkup worth 25,000 KRW is also provided.


To qualify for this scholarship, you must have a minimum GPA of 3.5 out of 4.5 for the previous semester (excluding new students) and at least 9 credits per semester (excluding exceptions for completing all credits).


Please note that the scholarship can be terminated for various reasons, including leave of absence, disciplinary action, withdrawal from school, or when requested by the department chair for valid reasons. If the Lotte Scholarship Foundation cancels the scholarship, students will be changed to government-sponsored students.

The Lotte Scholarship Foundation – GIST Scholarship Program provides a life-changing opportunity for international students to broaden their horizons, gain valuable academic and cultural experiences, and significantly impact their future career paths. If you meet the eligibility requirements and are eager to take on this exciting challenge, don't hesitate to apply.

For more detailed information about the Lotte Scholarship Foundation - GIST Scholarship Program, please visit the official GIST website or contact the GIST International Office.

Additional Information

The Lotte Scholarship Foundation is a part of the Lotte Corporation, a South Korean multinational conglomerate interested in various industries, including food, retail, and tourism. The Foundation is committed to nurturing talent and fostering future leaders through multiple scholarships and educational support programs.

GIST, or the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, is a research-oriented university focusing on applied science, engineering, and technology. It has been consistently ranked as one of

About the author
Sasha Smirnova

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